Exchange Property in Double Edge Resolving Partition Sets and Its Use in City Development
Resolving set, Metric Dimension, Edge Metric Dimension, Hexagonal NanosheetAbstract
The exchange property in double-edge resolving partition sets is examined in this article, along with some real-world applications to city buildings. In graph theory, double-edge resolving sets are essential because they provide information on optimizing transportation and urban infrastructure. When utility units are switched out, the exchange property ensures the system is efficient and still works. City planners can create more adaptable and durable urban layouts by using this feature, guaranteeing that the best
routes and shortest distances remain intact in various setups. We show how the exchange property in double-edge resolving partition sets can improve traffic management, emergency response systems, and overall urban planning through theoretical analysis and real-world case studies. The findings highlight the capability of graph-theoretical techniques in addressing complicated urban planning challenges, ultimately contributing to smarter, extra-sustainable town development. This study highlights the potential of advanced graph-theoretical concepts to address complex urban development challenges, contributing to the creation of smarter, more adaptive cities.
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