Finding the Most Important Criteria in Women's Empowerment for Sports Sector by Pentagonal Fuzzy DEMATEL Methodology




Women Empowerment, Sports, Pentagonal Fuzzy Number (PFN), DEMATEL


Research on women's empowerment in the sports sector is a key factor for considering the important issues that impact women’s leadership, participation, and achievement in sports. Recognizing various key challenges in terms of research helps to progress targeted suitable strategies and favorable policies that promote equity and inclusivity. In this research article, the approaches for finding the most important criterion in women's empowerment for sports are demonstrated. The relevant criteria are short out by doing a literature review, experts' opinions, and direct interaction with associated persons in the sports sector. The solution methodology for finding the criterion preferences is taken as a well-known multi-criterion decision-making method, namely the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method. Due to the presence of uncertainty in the data sets, pentagonal fuzzy sets data is considered. The whole proposed approach is followed by numerical and graphical illustrations.


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How to Cite

Gazi, K. H., Raisa, N., Biswas, A., Azizzadeh, F., & Mondal, S. P. (2025). Finding the Most Important Criteria in Women’s Empowerment for Sports Sector by Pentagonal Fuzzy DEMATEL Methodology. Spectrum of Decision Making and Applications, 2(1), 28-52.